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 Long Live the Rebbe King Moshiach Forever!

Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu Verabeinu Melech Hamoshiach Le'olam Va'ed

954-549-5447 more information available

Book Spotlight: 

New Edition of “Moshiach Talks of 5751”

This book explains the uniqueness of the talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita in the year 5751 (1991), “the year that Moshiach was revealed”. It will give you a greater appreciation for the translations that we have available.

The book includes an essay on the significance of these talks as well as excerpts.

This new edition has been reformatted and edited and includes a translation of the declaration of authoritative rabbis about saying “Yechi…Long live our master, teacher and Rebbe King Moshiach forever and ever!”


Moshiach is Already Bringing World Peace!

"They shall beat their swords into plowshares..."

It makes a lot of sense to live in peace rather than making wars. But throughout history there have been many destructive wars – the opposite of common sense!

Only in recent times the nations have shifted to striving for peace, establishing the United Nations and announcing that money previously used for weapons will be redirected to providing for the needs of people. This shows that the prophecy that "they shall beat their swords into plowshares" in the Redemption through Moshiach is beginning to be fulfilled! They are not doing this just because of common sense; rather, it's because of the Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita spreading goodness and morality in the world. The U.N. building – which says the verse "they shall beat their swords into plowshares" on its outer wall – was built when the Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita accepted the leadership, and it is in his majesty's "capitol city". The historic conference when the world powers announced their decision to "beat their swords into plowshares" happened soon after authoritative rabbis signed a declaration that the Rebbe Shlita is the King Moshiach!

(See talk of the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita, Mishpatim 5752 (1992))


 A Baby After 17 Years!

Shachar and Chana Batya live in Givat Olga in the Holy Land. Rabbi and Mrs. Akselrod and family are emissaries of the Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita there, and call it “Givat HaGeulah” (“Redemption Hill”). Shachar and Chana Batya were married for many years but did not have any children, which distressed them very much. Rabbi Akselrod’s son, Dovid, went to 770-Home of Moshiach for the birthday of the Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita and the Passover holiday last year. He went several times to receive a dollar from the Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita at his majesty’s weekly dollar distribution. One of the times, he asked the Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita for a blessing that the couple should have children. He received a dollar for them and put it aside to give it to them when he would go back to the Holy Land. When he got back, he gave it to them as soon as he could.

Nine months later, they had a baby girl, their first child after 17 years of marriage! Dovid arranged for the baby naming to be at the Torah reading of the Minyan of the Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita in 770-Home of Moshiach. She was named Chaya Mushka, after the wife of the Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita.

Moshiach Not Only a Reward

We need the Redemption through Moshiach in order to fulfill G-d's commandments – then we will be able to bring the Passover sacrifice! Rather than being a reward for our Passover preparations of studying the laws and providing people with Shmurah Matzah and their other holiday needs, the Redemption is a necessary prerequisite for bringing the Passover sacrifice.

(See talk of the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita, Vayikra 5752 (1992))

Healing for the World

“Torah brings healing to the world. And may it be G-d’s will that there be a soon and complete healing very soon for all the Jewish People wherever they are, to the point of the most important healing (in addition to literal healing) – healing the exile…the Redemption of all the Jewish People in the true and complete Redemption literally immediately…”

(See discussion of the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita with Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, Chief Rabbi of the Holy Land, 6 MarCheshvan 5752 (1992))

 One Redemption After Another

We just celebrated Purim, and a month after Purim is Pesach! Both of these holidays celebrate a redemption experienced by the Jewish People. May we immediately experience the ultimate Redemption through Moshiach now!

(See talk of the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita, Ki Sisa 5752 (1992) and more)

 Moshe and Moshiach

When G-d told Moshe (Moses) to redeem the Jewish People, he responded, “Please send the one whom You will send in the future” – Moshiach. The deeper meaning of this request was that Moshe wanted to connect himself and Moshiach. Moshe epitomizes the holy Sefirah (attribute) of Chochmah-Wisdom, while Moshiach epitomizes the Sefirah of Malchus-Royalty. Chochmah is the first Sefirah, the giver, and Malchus is the last Sefirah, the receiver. Moshe’s request united Moshe and Moshiach. In addition to being a king (royalty), Moshiach is also a Torah teacher (wisdom) and will even teach Moshe himself!

(See talk of the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita, Chayei Sara 5752 (1991))

Special Wedding Guests

At the Giving of the Torah, G-d made it possible to make physical objects holy by doing Mitzvos with them. This was something new. The forefathers did the Mitzvos, but the holiness didn’t stay in the physical objects. Even so, the power that we have to make physical objects holy comes from them. The one Mitzvah that did bring down holiness even before the Torah was given is circumcision. With that Mitzvah, our forefather Avraham paved the way for us to make physical things holy. This was a very great accomplishment because “all beginnings are hard”.

At a wedding, the parents, grandparents and great grandparents of the bride and groom come. This includes those who are in Heaven; they are there spiritually. The Giving of the Torah is called the “wedding” between G-d and the Jewish People. The forefathers Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya'akov were there spiritually. This emphasizes that our accomplishments come from the power we received from them, and that the ultimate expression of their power – the Essence – is through the work of their descendants.

The Giving of the Torah was only the first stage of the “marriage” (“Eirusin”). In the Redemption through Moshiach the “marriage” will be completed (“Nisuin”).

Just as the efforts of the forefathers paved the way for the accomplishments of their descendants after the Giving of the Torah, so too our hard work brings about the ultimate Redemption, when G-d's Essence will be revealed in the world for all to see.

(See talk of the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita, Va’era 5752 (1991))


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With people like you surely the Moshiach must come NOW

Chodesh tov and may we celebrate Adar in the Bais Hamidash

Sarah - the Holy Land

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